Schlagwort: danube delta

Schönes Rumänien, Wander- und Bootstour mit israelischer Gruppe

I hiked first time with Mila and Jose back on 2008, in Bucegi and Fagaras mountains. They are Israeli citizens with Romanian roots and families, and because the love at first sight is hard to forger, they return in Romania for nature tours. And on summer of 2019 Mila and Jose organize a tour for another 12 friends from Israel, to introduce them to the beautiful nature of Romania. And the area we choose represent Romanian nature well and with pride: Danube Delta, the forestry Carpathians and the bucolic hills from Bucovina.

Tour starts in B… (>>>)

Erkunden Sie Rumänien, Donaudelta, Dobrudscha und Maramures

We returned for our second consecutive summer in Romania visiting the Danube Delta and also the Maramures region in the north. It was the perfect combination of bird-watching and hiking. Iulian’s local knowledge is extensive and his enthusiasm for local food and culture is contagious. The accommodation provided involved a variety of quality hotels and homestays and we will always remember the hospitality of Ion and Maria in Botiza. Botiza provided us with the opportunity to witness the last surviving peasant culture in Eu… (>>>)

Die Rückkehr der Jedi, aka Hong Kong Damen, die Rumänien erforschen

Well, well, well the three ladies from Hong Kong spent a second consecutive summer holiday in Romania, and this time they brought Clara too. As last year holiday, this one was a share between exploring Romanian cuisine and nature, but on different regions of the country. And like this we realized that Romania is quite big, and you can spend many holidays around. We started with some boats trip and birdwatching in Danube Delta, exploring almost all the Delta from Sfantu Gheorghe to Letea forest, and surroundings, with good accommodati… (>>>)

Qualität auf Donau-Delta-Bootsfahrten

As a nature lover and enthusiastic traveler, I want to thank Iulian, who was not just a very experienced and skilled guide tour, but also very knowledgeable about the beauties of the Danube Delta ! And not just that but everything about this recent trip was perfectly organized and combined with very friendly and relaxing atmosphere! He paid attention to every single detail, from picking us up from the hotel, to everything that followed after that. I cannot thank Iulian enough for his patience, kindness, and very professional organiz… (>>>)

Entdecken Sie das Donau-Delta, zu Fuß und Boot

Just returned to Sacramento, California with great memories about my one week guided trip to the Delta of the Danube. Our guide was Iulian and from the moment we landed to the moment we left, everything was perfectly organized. Not only we had best of everything but it was organized in a such manner that everything was fun as well. While this was not my first trip to Delta, I can say without hesitation that this was the best! From accommodation to food to places to visit and to every single detail associated with the trip was totally perfect! … (>>>)

Donau-Delta, Wander- und Bootsfahrten

Have you ever experienced a perfect trip?? Well… I just did. From the beginning (arrival at Otopeni), throughout the entire Danube Delta, till the end (farewell lunch in Bucharest) = everything was just perfect. Iulian is the best organizer/guide one can have. Iulian and Ionut made us feel just like home (I’m still dreaming of the delicious fish dishes cooked by Nuti) and took us through almost all channels and lakes. Our amazed eyes got to see lots of flowers, beautiful waterlilies, birds, the Danube’s entrance in the Black Sea (magn… (>>>)